
Revised following agreement of the General Assembly at the 5th ASPASP International Congress in Bangkok, Thailand on 3rd December 2007.

Article 1 – Name and Headquarters

The name of the Association shall be “The Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology (ASPASP)”. It is the international organisation devoted to the promotion of sport psychology in Asian and South Pacific countries and territories. The official headquarters of ASPASP is the locality where the President resides.

Article 2 – Purposes

The purpose of the Association shall be:

a. To support and promote scientific research in sport psychology and its application, interpretation and dissemination,

b. To organise regular ASPASP congresses and to support the organisation of symposia devoted to topics in sport psychology,

c. To promote scientific relations among persons, groups working in sport psychology,

d. To facilitate the information, documentation, and dissemination services among members with respect to sport psychology,

e. To oversee and coordinate the official publications of the ASPASP,

f. To advise and facilitate the establishment of national societies of sport psychology.

Article 3 – Administration

a. The administration office of the ASPASP is the Secretary General.

b. The official language is English. Other languages in addition to English may be used at ASPASP congresses at the discretion of the organising body.

Article 4 – Membership

a. The ASPASP shall provide for 3 types of membership: Individual Members, Group Members, Fellows.

1) Individual members shall be those persons who have a professional scientific interest in sport psychology and pay individual membership dues.

2) A group member shall be a national group with more than 10 members such as a National Society, a Research Group or a Section of National Society having a wider purpose. The national group will represent the interest of sport psychology of each country and pay group membership dues.

3) Fellows shall be individuals (nominated and approved by the Managing Council) who have made longstanding and distinguished contribution to the development of ASPASP.

b. All members have equal privileges of voice and vote in ASPASP.

Article 5 - Officers

The officers of the ASPASP shall consist of a President, three Vice Presidents, a Secretary General, and a Treasurer elected by the membership, and an immediate Past President. If the offices of Vice President, Secretary General and Treasurer should become vacant, unexpired term shall be filled by the approval of the MC.

a. The President shall assume the following duties:

1) Maintain the headquarters of the ASPASP.

2) Convene the Managing Council, National Representative Council, and General Assembly and fix the agenda for these meetings in advance.

3) Receive the reports and announce programs of activities of ASPASP.

4) Be responsible for organising and conducting all official businesses of ASPASP.

5) Serve as the Chairperson for the Committee organising the programs for the ASPASP Congress.

6) Preside at the ASPASP Congress.


b. The three Vice Presidents shall undertake roles with the following names and responsibilities:

1) The senior Vice President, as determined by the Managing Council, shall be designated “Vice President (Programs and Organisations)”. This Vice President shall assume the role of President in an emergency and have a role that promotes and advises on ASPASP sport psychology programs, such as workshops, seminars and conferences, that take place around the region and supports the development of national organisations in the region.

2) A second position shall be designated “Vice President (Membership)”. This VP shall assume principal responsibility for strategies to recruit and maintain members.

3) A third position shall be designated “Vice President (Publications)”. This VP shall have primary responsibility for the development of the ASPASP Newsletter, aiming to produce two Newsletters a year, starting from the year 2001. Further responsibility shall be for strategies to develop other ASPASP publications, such as a journal or annual, as deemed appropriate by Managing Council.


c. The Secretary General, in cooperation with the President, shall be responsible for the correspondence and administrative duties associated with meetings, minutes, circular letters, elections, and other related logistics.

Article 6 – Managing Council (MC) and National Representative Council (NRC)

a. The ASPASP shall consist of a Managing Council (MC) and a National Representative Council (NRC). The MC of the ASPASP shall consist of seven officers and seven elected members. The NRC shall consist of all fourteen MC members and a national representative for each country not already represented on MC.


The MC will be comprised of:


1) Seven officers: A President, three Vice Presidents, a Secretary General, a Treasurer who shall be elected by the membership of the ASPASP present at the ASPASP Congress every four years, and an immediate Past President who shall be a member of the Managing Council for only one term of four years, unless Article 5f is invoked.

2) Elected members of MC: Seven members of MC shall be elected by the membership of the ASPASP present at the ASPASP General Assembly every four years.

3) National Representatives: Representatives of each national group. The seven officers and the seven elected representatives of ASPASP MC shall each act as national representatives for their home country. Each country can have only one representative on MC concurrently. Each national group shall pay group membership dues and those not represented by an elected officer or member of the MC shall nominate a representative. A person shall represent each country not represented by a member of MC as national representative.


b. The MC shall convene at least once every two years inclusive of the occasion of the ASPASP Congress with the announcement by letter at least a year in advance. The MC shall assume the following duties:

1) Encourage the development of Sport Psychology within Asian and South Pacific countries.

2) Act on behalf of ASPASP membership in all matters arising between meetings of the General Assembly.

3) Plan, develop and control the budget in accordance with the programs approved by the MC and the General Assembly.

4) Determine the congress site for the next ASPASP Congress and plan the scientific program and proceedings of the ASPASP Congress.

5)  Inform the ASPASP members regularly on the activities of the ASPASP and events that arise between meetings of the General Assembly.

6) Discuss, facilitate and accommodate all ASPASP matters where decisions have to be made between meetings of the General Assembly.

7) Appoint official ASPASP delegates to other related international societies.

8) Appoint all committees considered necessary and desirable.

9) Examine the application of new members and accept them within ASPASP.

10) Facilitate amendments to the Statutes to be approved by the General Assembly.


c. The National Representative Council (NRC) shall convene once every four years in association with the General Assembly of ASPASP with the announcement by letter at least one year in advance. The NRC shall assume the following duties:

1) Encourage the development of Sport Psychology within Asian South Pacific countries.

2) Advise MC, which will make all decisions for ASPASP, as stated in Article 6.b.

3) Inform the sport psychology organisation (s) and individuals in the country that they represent about the activities and events of the ASPASP.

4) Inform MC about issues, ideas, and concerns of the sport psychology organisation(s) and individuals in the country that they represent.

5) Promote collegial activity of the sport psychology organisation(s) and individuals in the country that they represent with other countries and individuals in ASPASP through the NRC network.


d. The decisions are taken by simple majority of the MC present.

e. Each officer and elected member of the MC is expected to attend all MC meetings, the NRC meeting, the General Assembly and the ASPASP Congress. Each national representative is expected to attend the NRC meeting, the General Assembly and the ASPASP Congress.

Article 7 – General Assembly

a. The General Assembly shall be comprised of all members who are present at the meeting.

b. The General Assembly shall convene every four years on the occasion of the ASPASP Congress:

1) To accept reports of the President and the Treasurer.

2) To elect the officers of the MC.

3) To transact any official business that must be approved by the General Assembly such as amendments to the Statutes or determining membership dues. A simple majority of those members present shall approve the transaction.

4) To transact any additional business matters that shall arise. Voting procedures for individual members will be as in the elections (Article 9).

Article 8 – Annual Subscription

a. Individual membership.

1) Individual membership dues are payable annually to the member’s national organisation that is affiliated to ASPASP for this purpose. In the case where there is no national organisation in this role, dues are payable to the ASPASP designated national representative for that country. In the case where there is no such representative, dues are payable to the ASPASP Treasurer.

2) Individual membership fees are levied in relation to typical income of sport psychologists, relative to cost of living, based on the United Nations Gross Domestic Product (UNGDP) Indicators of Income and Economic Activity. At any time, each country in the ASPASP region will be assigned to one of four categories, A, B, C and D, based on the UNGDP Indicators. Individual members from countries in category A will pay the standard individual membership fee, category B will pay 0.6 of the fee, category C will pay 0.3 of the fee and category D will pay 0.1 of the fee. Allocation of countries to categories will be reviewed every four years timed to correspond with the General Assembly.

3) Student members are levied at 0.2 of the standard individual membership fee for students from countries in categories A and B and students from categories C and D countries pay 0.1 of the standard fee.

4) The current standard individual membership fee is ten US dollars per annum.


b. Group membership.

1) Group membership fees shall be determined by category membership. Category A and B members shall pay the standard fee. Category C and D members shall pay 0.5 of the standard fee. Allocation of countries to categories will be reviewed every four years timed to correspond with the General Assembly.

2) The current standard group membership fee is twenty US dollars.


c. The fiscal year of ASPASP shall begin each January 1 and end December 31 of the same year.

d. Membership dues may be changed upon recommendation by the MC and approval of General Assembly.

e. Individual or group members are carried as active members for one year without payment of dues. However, if dues are not paid for one year, the member is automatically placed on inactive status. If such members desire to be reinstated as active members, they are obliged to pay back dues.

Article 9 – Election

a.     Any member of ASPASP who is entitled to vote can submit nominations for the election of the President, the Vice Presidents, the Secretary General, and the Treasurer. Nominations for these positions must be received by the Secretary General on valid nomination forms, not later than the date designated in the ASPASP Newsletter published 12 months before the General Assembly. Nominations for national representatives must be submitted in writing not later than one month before the General Assembly. All nominees must agree to stand for election.

b.     Elections will be directed by a supervisor and election committee of three who are appointed by the MC.

c.     The supervisor and the committee must not be candidates for the elections.

d.    Elections shall be decided by simple majority of votes cast by ASPASP individual and group members.

e.     Voting:

    1) All individual members shall be entitled to one vote.

   2)All group members have three votes, regardless of size of membership.

f.      In the event that a candidate nominates for more than one position and receives the most votes in two or more categories, the candidate shall be required to indicate their selected position and the candidate with the next most votes in the other categories in which that candidate was successful shall be elected.

Article 10 – ASPASP Congress

a. The ASPASP Congress should take place every four years, normally two years after each ISSP Congress.

b. The site of the Congress is selected by the MC.

c. Any member of ASPASP may apply to act as a host to the Congress. Applications must be submitted to the Secretary General of ASPASP in writing, presenting all necessary information regarding the organisation and facilities.

d. A Congress fee will be required of all members and non-members who attend

Article 11 – ASPASP Publication

a. A Newsletter is the official publication of ASPASP. It shall be edited and issued at least once annually under the direction of the Vice President (Publications).

Approved on the 2014 General Assembly.

Approved on the 2018 General Assembly.

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