Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
The Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (AJSEP) is the official journal of Asian South-Pacific Association of Sport Psychology. AJSEP publishes theoretical and empirical research on physical activity, human movement, and sport and exercise psychology, with special interest in Asian region. The primary purpose of AJSEP is to enhance theoretical and practical knowledge and promote high-quality scientific and applied work in sport and exercise psychology. This journal, supported by Tianjin University of Sport (TJUS, China), will be an open access journal and the publication fees will be supported by TJUS.
All manuscripts should be presented as concisely as possible and prepared following the general style guidelines set forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Edition). Manuscripts that will be considered for publication include high quality empirical research, reviews, reports, and commentaries.
Original research and review manuscripts should be 30 pages in length or less inclusive of references, tables, and figures. Brief reports and research notes should be a maximum of 15 pages including references, tables and figures. Commentaries should be a maximum of 10 pages including references, tables and figures. As a general rule, Abstracts should ideally be 150 – 250 words.
All submissions are screened by our editorial office before they are sent out to reviewers. Submitting authors may also be required to make supplementary files available. Please adhere to the submission deadlines as late submissions will not be accepted.
AJSEP is now indexed in the following:
Directory of Open Access Journals
As part of this inaugural issue of AJSEP, we will also be releasing the following Special Issue:
Special Issue Topic: Mindfulness in Sport and Exercise Psychology
Guest Editors: Dr Dev Roychowdhury and Dr Ying Hwa (Adrian) Kee
We would like to invite you to submit a manuscript for this special issue that features mindfulness in the context of sport and exercise psychology. The manuscript does not have to be from an Asian perspective; we will accept research conducted elsewhere but made applicable to the Asian context.
The extended deadline for the manuscript is 15 February 2021.
You may submit your manuscript by emailing:
Dr Dev Roychowdhury: info@drdevroy.com
Dr Ying Hwa (Adrian) Kee: yinghwa.kee@nie.edu.sg
Call for manuscript
Topic: Exercise Psychology Research in the Asia and South Pacific region
Exercise psychology is an interdisciplinary field that draws on knowledge from kinesiology and psychology, and has been recently paid much increased interests in its research and practices across difference culture and geographic location. It involves research on the behavioural, cognitive, and psychosocial antecedents and consequences of physical activity with a focus on the adoption and maintenance of physical activity and its effects on psychological well-being.
Since exercise psychology research was introduced in Asia, a large number of studies have been carried out in many countries in our region. However, most of these studies have been published in their own language or in the international English journals which are published in North America or European countries.
With increase in the interests in the development of exercise psychology in Asia, Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology (ASPASP) publishes the Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (AJSEP). AJSEP is calling for manuscript submissions for research conducted in Asia that exemplifies that nature of development earlier described. The value and timeliness of this special issue lies in the promotion of scholarship in exercise psychology in our region, while concurrently presenting a forum for the international sport and exercise psychology community to better understand such developments in Asia. This special issue accepts original research or reviews related to (but are not limited to) the following areas:
- Psychological antecedents of consequences of physical activity
- Behavioural change techniques to improve physical activity participation
- Psychosocial and environmental correlates of physical activity
- Theory-based physical activity transition
- Research that influences policies in sport and exercise psychology
- Community-based intervention research
Submission due date: June 30, 2021
Publication date: December 30, 2021
All manuscripts submitted will be initially screened by the editors and then sent out for blind peer review, if evaluated as appropriate for the special issue. If you have any inquiries regarding submitting a manuscript for this issue, please feel free to contact the editors:
Prof. Youngho Kim (yk01@seoultech.ac.kr), or
Prof. Athanasios Papaioannou (athanasios.g.papaioannou@gmail.com)
AJSEP Editorial Board
Lead Editor: Chengshu Ji, Tianjin University of Sport
Editor: John Wang Chee Keng, Nanyang Technological University
Associate Editors
Applied Sport Psychology: Liwei Zhang, Beijing Sport University
Social Psychology: Frank Lu, Chinese Culture University
Exercise Psychology: YoungHo Kim, Seoul National University of Science & Technology
Motor Learning/Control: Chow Jiayi, Nanyang Technological University
Health: Liang Hu, Zhejiang University
Positive Psychology & Wellbeing: Derwin Chan, University of Hong Kong
Advisory Board
Stuart Biddle, University of Southern Queensland
Sun Yanlin, Tianjin University of Sport
Chi Likang, National Taiwan Normal University
Tony Morris, Victoria University
Chunxiao Li, Nanyang Technological University
Ernest Tsung-Min Hung, National Taiwan Normal University
Garry Kuan, Universiti Sains Malaysia
James Dimmock, University of Western Australia
Kee Ying Hwa, Nanyang Technological University
Ken Hodge, University of Otago
Nikos Ntoumanis, Curtin University
Seunghyun Hwang, Kyungpook National University
Jihang Lee, Sungkyeunkwan University
Selina Khoo, University of Malaya
Yu-Kai Chang, National Taiwan Normal University
Emily Ortega, Singapore University of Social Sciences
Zhang Chunqing, Hong Kong Baptist University
Victoria Warburton, University of East Anglia
Do Young Pyun, Loughborough University
Arto Gråstén, University of Tasmania
Sami Yli-Piipari, University of Georgia
Marc Lochbaum, Texas Tech University
Chris Spray, Loughborough University
Miki Bar-Eli, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Gray Shirley, University of Edinburgh
Timo Jaakkola, University of Jyväskylä
Ang Chen, University of Carolina Greensboro
Chung-Ju Huang, University of Taipei
Shih-Chun Kao, Purdue University
Chien-Ting Wu, University of South Carolina
Chiao-Ling Hung, National Taiwan University