It pays to be a member of ASPASP!
Membership in ASPASP is an excellent value for money, with many direct benefits including:
- Online subscription to Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (Scopus-indexed)
- Print copies of the journal at small additional cost.
- Reduced registration fees for the International Congress of Asian South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology
- Membership directory
- Right to vote during the ASPASP Annual General Meetings.
- Discounted rates for certification courses, books, proceedings etc under ASPASP.
- Ability to use ASPASP badge for membership associated with ASPASP.
Joining ASPASP is easy:
- Determine on your membership type
- Complete the online application form
Step 1
Determine Your Membership Type and Due
ASPASP dues are scaled to the economic development levels of the countries in which members reside. In the online application form (next page), select the name of your country from the full list of countries. The classifications below have been sourced directly from The World Bank (updated January 2023).

Type A Membership
$30 for 2024 (one-year), $50 for 2025 (two-year), or $90 for 2024-2027 (four-year)
Intended for professionals / non-students residing in high income countries such as: Antigua and Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong SAR, China, Japan, Korea, Rep., Kuwait, Macao SAR, China, New Zealand, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan etc.
Type B Membership
$20 for 2024 (one-year), $35 for 2025 (two-year), or $60 for 2024-2027 (four-year)
Intended only for professionals / non-students residing in upper middle income countries such as:
Indonesia, Iran, Islamic Rep., Iraq, Malaysia, Philippines etc.
Type C Membership
$15 for 2024 (one-year), $25 for 2025 (two-year), or $45 for 2024-2027 (four-year)
Intended only for professionals / non-students residing in lower income countries such as: Cambodia, India, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam etc.
Students Membership
$10 for 2024 (one-year), $20 for 2025 (two-year), or $30 for 2024-2027 (four-year)
Intended only for students residing in any country, regardless of its economic level. Students card is required to upload your duration.
If your country of residence does not appear in the three lists above, you may look up the economic grouping of your country by consulting the current World Bank website, at (High-Income Economies are Type A countries, all Upper-Middle-Income Economies are Type B countries, and all others are Type C countries).